Lo and behold, Direct Energy was unable to find her original contract, so her entire 14-year agreement with them was null and void! She received as a refund from Direct Energy the difference between what they charged her and what her local supplier would have charged have charged her during this period, for a total refund of $4219.18.
I've attached the letter she received from Direct Energy, showing on a month-by-month basis how much she was overcharged by having an alleged agreement with Direct Energy. It's interesting to note that, for the entire 173-month period between January 1998 and May 2012, being charged at Direct Energy rates cost her an average of $24.38 extra per month, and over $100 per month more over the last three winters. When you multiply this by the tens of thousands of Ontario residents alone that have been signed up by Direct Energy, it begins to show how much money Direct Energy has made over the years at the expense of Ontario consumers.