What type of contract do I have?

First, you need to obtain a copy of the last natural gas supply contract (with Direct Energy / Enbridge Home Services) you signed.  If you don't have a copy of this contract with your signature, you can contact Direct Energy customer service at 1-800-348-2999 to request it.  Attempting to discuss whether your contract was inappropriately renewed with the customer service representatives is an exercise in futility - they have no power to take any action in this regard.  Merely request a copy of the contract you entered into and wish them a good day - the contract should arrive in one to two weeks.

The contract consists of two parts, a page with your signature:

and one page or multiple pages with the contract terms.  The renewal provisions in the contract are crucial - if your contract contains language such as "If I do not reply to the Renewal Notice within 30 days, this agreement will be renewed automatically for one more year at the rate set out in the Renewal Notice", which is contained in clause 6 of the contract below, I'm afraid this site won't be able to help you.  This contract dated 2001 contains 'automatic renewal' language, and similar words are also contained in many, but not all, Direct Energy / Enbridge Home Services contracts. 

(click to enlarge)

However, if the language in your contract looks like that in clause 8 of the contract below ("I understand that I will be returned to the Utility's standard service supply rate if I do not deliver in writing to ESI, my acceptance of ESI's offer of renewal"), you're in luck!  The contract below containing this type of language was used in fall of 2002.
(click to enlarge)